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Shiny Elephants & Spring Notecards | April Newsletter 2021

Hello Fellow Travelers! Welcome to Spring!

This month, I had a wonderful chat with a friend on the subject of the healing ability of creativity and how that healing is amplified when you engage with a community.

The world is opening up again and it is happening just in time for Spring.

We want to take this moment to talk about the importance of our community and staying connected with each other. As time passes, many friendships that were once strong may have fallen to the sideline. Perhaps some of these long-time friends had a baby and you've not seen them in a while, or perhaps a friend found another job and moved away, or maybe you got busy with work and family, or simply didn't have time to keep up!

Many of us are looking for ways to reconnect with each other and reengage in friendships that may have been paused or slowed down. We want to encourage you to be the one who takes the first step to reengage with your friends or family members. Taking the first step to reconnect can feel amazing and be very rewarding.

If you've been looking for ways to reconnect or to reach out, now is the perfect time.

We're excited to show you our fun handcrafted notecards!

Design is our mission, but community is our passion. There is nothing like exchanging ideas or sending heartfelt, handwritten messages to your loved ones. Shiny Elephants would love to be the vessel you chose to reconnect with your loved ones. But our mission is much broader than that. We hope you see the bright spot in the world that is you! You are special to someone and that someone will love to hear from you. Take the first step and reach out to those whom you want to share a moment in the near future.

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Laura Platt
Laura Platt
May 31, 2021

Beautifully put! Creativity and community heal!

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